Craftsman Rolling Tool Chest (Contents Not Included) (2024)

Credit Cards (MasterCard, Visa, American Express and Discover. For invoices below $5,000.)<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n

Merchandise becomes the full responsibility of the bidder at time of payment and the bidder assumes all risk of loss and damage to property at that time. McLemore Auction Company, LLC reserves the right to resell any property not paid for in full by the conclusion of the stated pickup period. In any such event, the bidder will still be responsible for payment for the original purchase and the costs of collection of this payment and\/or damages resulting from the resale of the property.<\/p>","convenience_fee":"0","affiliate_id":"0","archived":"0","preview_period":"0","state_abbreviation":"TN","registration_time":"","location_override":"","start_end_override":"","time_interval":"1","extended_bidding":"1","description":"

As Lincoln College of Technology transitions to a new location, we continue to sell a variety of items via online auction. Up for grabs are a large Cummins diesel generator, paint booth, parts washer, commercial picnic tables, metal work tables, chairs, cabinets, shelving, tools, and much more. Seize this opportunity to bid on and own high-quality items as everything is set to sell to the highest bidder, without reserve prices. Bid now! 10% buyer's premium applies.<\/p>\n

Auction Manager:<\/strong>
Dwayne Smith
(615) 509-2428<\/a><\/p>","allow_custom_bids":"","enable_charitable_organizations":"0","increment":"1","starting_bid":"1.00","flat_increment":"0.00","payment_gateway":"AuthDotNet","gateway_account":"","close_groups":"5","extended_bidding_threshold":"5","county":"","extended_bidding_interval":"-5","consignor_id":"0","transcript":"","audio_feed":null,"send_closing_alert":"1","send_admin_closing_alert":"","feed_type":"","completed":"0","flat_rate_shipping":"0.00","paused_time":null,"paused_duration":null,"paused_status":null,"maximum_highbidder_bids":null,"hide_bidhistory_after_sale":"1","currency":"$","clerking_type":"cataloged","aff_logo":null,"blind_bidding":"0","category":"35","shipping_methods":"","documents":[],"time_offset":-3600}; return data;});bidItem.controller('ItemDetailCtrl', ['$scope', '$filter', '$timeout', '$interval', 'bidItemData', function($scope, $filter, $timeout, $interval, bidItemData){ $ =; $scope.item = bidItemData.item; $scope.current_time = current_time; $scope.enable_buy_item_now = enable_buy_item_now; $scope.enable_blind_bidding = enable_blind_bidding; $scope.user_item_distance = 'Calculating...'; $scope.is_admin = false; $.ajax({ type: 'GET', dataType: 'json', url: '/auctionhome/timestamp', async: false, success: function (returndata){ $scope.current_time = parseInt(returndata.current_time, 10); } }); $scope.time_difference = ($scope.current_time - Math.floor( / 1000)); if($scope.time_difference > -2 & $scope.time_difference < 2){ $scope.time_difference = 0; } $scope.current_time = (Math.floor( / 1000) + $scope.time_difference + $; $scope.current_user = parseInt(current_user, 10); $scope.seconds = parseInt($scope.item.end_time, 10) - $scope.current_time; $scope.lang = lang; $scope.show_customer_info = show_customer_info; $scope.realtime = realtime; $scope.crowd_bidder = crowd_bidder; $scope.crowd_bidder_username = crowd_bidder_username; $scope.user_deposited_amount = parseInt('0', 10); $scope.disable_bid_history = disable_bidhistory_after_sale; $scope.show_bid_history = true; $scope.item.end_time = parseInt($scope.item.end_time, 10); $scope.item.start_time = parseInt($scope.item.start_time, 10); $scope.item.quantity = parseInt($scope.item.quantity, 10); $scope.item.high_bidder = parseInt($scope.item.high_bidder, 10); $scope.item.buy_now = parseFloat($scope.item.buy_now); $scope.item.current_bid = parseFloat($scope.item.current_bid); $scope.item.minimum_bid = parseFloat($scope.item.minimum_bid); $ = parseInt($, 10); $ = parseInt($, 10); $scope.live_not_started = false; if(is_auction_liveonline){ $scope.live_not_started = $scope.current_time < $; } if($scope.disable_bid_history & $scope.item.start_time > 0 && $scope.item.start_time <= $scope.current_time && $scope.item.end_time <= $scope.current_time && (angular.isDefined($ && parseInt(${ $scope.show_bid_history = false; } if($ > $scope.current_time){ var timeout = parseInt($ - $scope.current_time + 1)*1000; if(timeout >= 2147483647) timeout = 2147483647; $timeout(function (){ $scope.initData(); }, timeout); } if(is_auction_liveonline & $ > $scope.current_time){ var timeout = parseInt($ - $scope.current_time) * 1000; if(timeout >= 2147483647) timeout = 2147483647; setTimeout(function (){ smodal('', 'The live auction has started! 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If your bid is more than one bidding increment above the current high bid you will get a max bid unless another bidder has a max bid in place that is higher than the amount you enter. At the end of the auction, the winning bidder pays only the lowest winning bid possible. That means that you can win an auction item at a price less than your max bid amount.Your max bid amount is kept confidential from other bidders.You can lower or delete a max bid by entering a lower amount.Note: After watching hundreds of auctions and talking to thousands of bidders, we think using max bids in your bidding strategy works best for most people. It eliminates some of the pressure and reduces the risk of "sniping", where other biddersslip in slightly higher bids in the last seconds of bidding."; // Item bid status tooltip logic if(item.high_bidder === $scope.current_user & ((! item.has_reserve) || item.reserve_met)){ if(item.proxy_bid > 0){ item.bid_button_value = lang.adjust_proxy_btn; item.bid_button_title = lang.can_adjust_proxy; item.proxy_title = " You now have a max bid. You can raise or lower your max bid at any time by entering a new amount. If you wish to remove your max bid you can do so by entering an amount equal to the current bid into the bid form."; } else{ item.bid_button_value = lang.add_proxy_btn; item.bid_button_title = lang.can_add_proxy; } } else{ item.bid_button_value = lang.place_bid_btn; item.bid_button_title = lang.can_bid.replace(new RegExp('%s', 'g'), ''+minbid_quantity); } item.reserve_price_display = ((item.reserve_option != 'none') ? ((! item.reserve_met) ? ((item.reserve_option == 'standard') ? 'There is a reserve price that has NOT been met.' : 'Pending Approval' ): ((item.reserve_option == 'standard') ? 'The reserve price HAS been met.' : 'Sells to High Bidder' ) ): ''); item.status = ''; item.status_text = ''; item.bid_status_text = ''; if(has_bids_in_item > 0 & item.high_bidder === $scope.current_user){ item.status = 'winning'; item.bid_status_text = lang.winning_status; } else if(has_bids_in_item > 0){ item.status = 'losing'; item.bid_status_text = lang.losing_status; } if((item.start_time > 0 & item.start_time <= $scope.current_time && item.end_time <= $scope.current_time && $scope.show_bid_history) || (item.first_to_reserve == 1 && item.has_reserve && item.reserve_met)){ item.status_text = 'Bidding is closed.'; if($scope.show_bid_history & ($scope.is_admin || ! ($scope.enable_blind_bidding && $ == 1))){ item.status_text += 'High Bid:' + current_bid_quantity + ''; } } else if(item.start_time > 0 & item.start_time > $scope.current_time){ item.status_text = 'Bidding on this item starts Monday, August 19, 2024 at 12:00:00 pm CT.'; if(item.quantity > 1){ item.status_text += 'This is a per unit bid so the total amount charged will be the the high bid x 1.'; } } else if(item.start_time === 0 || item.end_time === 0){ item.status_text = 'Dates to be announced'; } if(typeof(origin) !== 'undefined' & typeof(destination) !== 'undefined'){ $('.dvprogress').show(); setTimeout(function(){ if(typeof(google) !== 'undefined'){ var service = new google.maps.DistanceMatrixService; service.getDistanceMatrix({ origins: [origin], destinations: [destination], travelMode: google.maps.TravelMode.DRIVING, unitSystem: google.maps.UnitSystem.IMPERIAL, avoidHighways: false, avoidTolls: false }, function(response, status){ $scope.user_item_distance = 'Not Available.'; if(status === google.maps.DistanceMatrixStatus.OK){ var originList = response.originAddresses; for(var i = 0; i < originList.length; i++){ var results = response.rows[i].elements; if(results[0].status !== 'NOT_FOUND' & results[0].status !== 'ZERO_RESULTS'){ for(var j = 0; j < results.length; j++){ if(item.end_time > $scope.current_time){ $scope.user_item_distance = 'Approximately {distance} miles from your registered address'.replace('{distance}', results[j].distance.text.replace(' mi', '')); } else{ $scope.$apply(function (){ $scope.user_item_distance = 'Approximately {distance} miles from your registered address'.replace('{distance}', results[j].distance.text.replace(' mi', '')); }); } } } } } }); } }, 500); } // Item more info tooltip logic item.auction_item_location = ''; address_match = false; if($ !== 11 & $ !== 12 && $ !== 13){ if(item.mapping_city === $ && item.mapping_address === $ && item.mapping_zip === ${ address_match = true; } if(! address_match & item.mapping_city && item.state_abbreviation){ address = ''; var display_address = ''; if(item.mapping_address){ address += item.mapping_address + ', '; } address += item.mapping_city + ', ' + item.state_abbreviation; if(item.mapping_zip){ address += ' ' + item.mapping_zip; } if(show_county_info){ if(item.mapping_address){ display_address += item.mapping_address + ', '; } if(typeof(item.mapping_county) !== 'undefined' & item.mapping_county !== ''){ display_address += item.mapping_city + ', ' + item.mapping_county + ', ' + item.state_abbreviation; } else{ display_address += item.mapping_city + ', ' + item.state_abbreviation; } if(item.mapping_zip){ display_address += ' ' + item.mapping_zip; } } var allowAddressCoordinates = true; item.auction_item_location = ''+ ((show_county_info) ? 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Craftsman Rolling Tool Chest (Contents Not Included) (2024)


What does a tool box consist of? ›

Small (but mighty) tools

Fill your toolbox with basics such as a set of Allen keys, measuring tape, electrical and duct tape, a builder's knife and the all-important builder's pencil.

How do I know what Craftsman tool box I have? ›

There "should be" either a sticker or a number stamped on the inside back panel behind the drawers.

What is the difference between a tool box and a Tool Chest? ›

"Tool Chest", also called a "Top Box": a multi-drawer tool cabinet, designed to work either as a stand-alone tool box, OR, sit on top of a Roller Cabinet. Note that because of their size, "Tool Chests" are designed to sit at least waist-high. If used alone, they should be sitting on a workbench or table.

How to unlock a toolbox without a key? ›

If your toolbox has more of a filing cabinet lock, you can find a thin metal tool that you can insert the metal tool, jiggle it around inside, and continuously rotate it inside so you can get to lock open. Coming in as one of the most simple and easiest solutions, you can pick the lock to your locked toolbox.

What does the toolbox contain? ›

A toolbox is a window or pane containing icons and buttons that are tools in the program. The tools are for quick access to common operations. A toolbox may float freely or be docked in the main window of the program. For example, Microsoft Paint contains a toolbox, including the pencil, eraser, and others.

What are toolbox components? ›

The toolbox uses components called hardware device adaptors to connect to devices through their drivers. The toolbox includes adaptors that support devices produced by several vendors of image acquisition equipment.

What goes inside a tool box? ›

Tools Everyone Should Have In Their Toolbox
  • Hammer: It's a classic for a reason. ...
  • Tape Measure: How does the old saying go, measure twice cut once? ...
  • Multi-Bit Screwdriver: ...
  • Pliers: ...
  • Socket Wrench Set: ...
  • Utility Knife: ...
  • Cordless Drill: ...
  • Magnetic Stud Finder:
Jul 20, 2023

Who made Craftsman tool chests? ›

Originally a house brand established by Sears, the brand is now owned by Stanley Black & Decker. As with all Sears products, Craftsman tools were not manufactured by Sears during that company's ownership, but made under contract by various other companies.

What model Craftsman do I have? ›

Most of the time, you can find the Craftsman model and serial number on the top of the mower. If you were standing behind it and using it, the identification tag would be on the top rear portion of the deck, between the wheels.

What year did Craftsman come out? ›

"Historians do know the origin of the Craftsman brand name. In 1927, Sears hired Arthur Barrows to head the company's Hardware Department. Barrows knew hardware and wanted to create a brand name for Sears hardware that distinguished it from other manufacturers.

What tools are in a tool chest? ›

Tool chests are used to store and arrange tools. To accommodate a variety of hand tools and power tools, including wrenches, pliers, hammers, screwdrivers, sockets, drills, saws, and more, they often have one or more drawers or compartments.

Why use a tool chest? ›

Tool chests, also known as tool boxes or tool cabinets, provide a convenient and secure way to keep your tools neatly arranged and protected. They come in a wide variety of sizes, styles, and feature sets to suit different needs and budgets.

What are the four sections of the tool box? ›

The tool box is broken down into four main sections to guide you through the steps of preparing for, planning, implementing and evaluating your campaign: Getting started; Campaign Strategy and Planning; Running the Campaign; and Reflection.

How do I open my tool box? ›

To open Toolbox, choose View > Toolbox from the menu bar, or press Ctrl+Alt+X.

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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.